Sunday, March 28, 2010

Map (Tentative) of our Planned Road Trip

Day minus 1 (or minus 2 ) and counting

We are still in the Okanogan, planning the fire ecology workshop we will be sponsoring in mid-May. Depending on how things go tomorrow with our instructors, we will either leave tomorrow or put our departure off until Tuesday, Macrh 30th.

Meanwhile, here is the tentative map of our trip. Just paste it in your web browser, and you will conclude - as we already have - that we are out of our minds.,+WA+to:Walla+Walla,+WA+to:John+Day+OR+to:SALT+LAKE+CITY,+UT+to:Ramah,+New+Mexico+to:Wewoka+OK+to:Greenville,+MS+to:Abingdon,+Washington,+Virginia+to:Thomas+WV+to:Chicago,+IL+to:Minneapolis,+Hennepin,+Minnesota+to:Belcourt+ND+to:Wessington+Springs+SD+to:Livingston,+Mt+to:Spokane+WA+to:Seattle+WA&geocode=FYHT4gId5Evd-Cn96I5SFcCcVDHybw11qYgcSA%3BFbsHyAIdBQ30-ClXE1Qfqk6fVDHm9smkfx-n_w%3BFcXjvgIdkzry-Ck799CgSxWiVDHUsR3nz6_EEg%3BFfS7pQIdzuvo-CmrV6drcQW7VDGmF97QJw8tnw%3BFcv1bQIdma1U-SntMdGIlD1ShzHKMU1IoLdTWw%3BFaEWGAIdI4yI-SmDRUNF3FokhzG0JVNt_DbW2Q%3BFaJ6GAId3qA_-ilhqBmSKYSzhzHAjcDKwWEBfg%3BFUTM_QEd8oGS-in7ya63ze8rhjERUfSsgeToBQ%3BFcklMAId_B8d-yndwv1yFhNQiDE-xKvVHigKgQ%3BFcVdVQIdg_RC-ykBfd08CslKiDEby6wMqJBxzQ%3BFbGUfgId_JDG-inty_TQPCwOiDEAwMAJrabgrw%3BFf1WrgIdJOhw-im9u3eTkDOzUjEH7novhMmfkw%3BFQM66QIdmwMO-ilvtrCsdPjcUjFnr2ZP1Ep9UQ%3BFTWYoAIdwPIf-ikDj-8k_wGHhzHZQt0UW4wkQg%3BFbi-uAIdhPNo-SkjR6AnvhNFUzFMjIRaJjKWRQ%3BFRw31wIdgTgA-Snl57swXBieVDGx2YQL1sn83Q%3B&hl=en&mra=ls&sll=41.015865,-99.607645&sspn=44.726709,62.666016&ie=UTF8&ll=41.046217,-100.898437&spn=44.726709,62.666016&z=4


  1. Roger,
    You say ...."out of our minds" like that is a bad thing? I find it is a wonderful place to experience, maybe once-in-a=while. You'll have such a great time guys, have fun.

    george c.

  2. Enjoy!! Almost 7000 miles--ambitious! Too bad you're not coming further north and east, we'll miss you! Hope to see you soon--looking forward to following you here. big hugs and kisses.


Brigham City's Finest Pie

Brigham City's Finest Pie

The Blue Mountains-In the Snow

The Blue Mountains-In the Snow

Silos from the care at 80 mph

Silos from the care at 80 mph

Fernne at Farewell Bend, Snake River

Fernne at Farewell Bend, Snake River